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Adults in the Workplace

SEND5 Services for Adults in the workplace

We aim to provide adults with relevant information regarding their approaches to tasks in the workplace, helping them to develop strategies to manage challenging situations. We also facilitate discussions with managers on adjustments that could be made to ease challenges faced by dyslexic adults in the workplace.

SEND5 Dyslexia Consultancy, Adult dyslexia services
Adults in the workplace Services
Contact Us

Preliminary Consultation
Preliminary Consultation

If there is no prior information from a diagnostic assessment, the consultation is designed to identify the types of difficulties and also strengths you may have. Advice is provided, based on this preliminary discussion. (I hour)



Preliminary Consultation - £180

Diagnostic Assessment
Diagnostic Assessment

The assessment will be based on an informal discussion as well as formal assessment tasks designed to identify strengths as well as difficulties when processing information. It is likely that you will find the process interesting, as you will begin to develop a clearer understanding of how you approach tasks and how your memory can support you, or may let you down, when carrying out certain activities at work. A full report provides recommendations and makes suggestions for reasonable adjustments for an employer to consider.  Allow approximately 3 hours for the assessment plus 45 minutes for feedback once the report is completed (usually within a week to ten days)



Diagnostic Assessment - £850

Needs Assessment
Needs Assessment

A diagnostic assessment will highlight areas of difficulty that may be assisted by adjustments in the workplace. A Needs Assessment makes appropriate recommendations, for example, software used to ease difficulties and increase efficiency. The Needs Assessment usually involves a visit to the workplace.



Needs Assessment - £450

Mentoring and Support
Mentoring and Support
£80per hour

Based on detailed information from a diagnostic assessment or previously identified areas of difficulties, support sessions consider effective strategies relevant to the demands placed upon you.  (1 hour or 1.5 hours)



£80 per hour


All members of the Team are registered with the Information Commissioners Office and are DBS checked. All members of the Team have training and certificates on data protection, child protection and safeguarding


Every member of the SEND5 team is a qualified teacher with a specialist post-graduate qualification in SpLD (Dyslexia), and is a member of PATOSS. All have current experience working in schools and colleges carrying out individual assessments to identify learning needs, liaising with school/college staff and other professionals, reporting to teachers and parents, and providing advice and strategies to support the learning and progress of the individual.

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